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I wish it were organically grown but maybe one day.
I love to sew with cotton and have wonderful collection that
i just received from Quilt in a Day from Eleanor Burns
Beautiful, pieces...while I am sewing please visit some of these stories..

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Are you still hungry?

I am excited just sold some of my aprons and you know I give them names just like my chickens and pets...
pics of recently sold ...have reason for this post I'll be back soon with new designs and later hand sculpted one of a kind creations....

Heidi Sold

Dolly Sold..
(* I sold strawberries for over 22 years you know I had to name that one after me)

Gladys Retro Apron
named after my Aunt's Sister
I will be back soon, canning peaches, cooking pound cakes for people, sewing, sewing, sewing...
busy times at Hibiscus House.
Have a good week
See you when you get back.